英语单词分类 轻松记单词

in sight of

英 [in sait ɔv]

美 [ɪn saɪt ʌv]


  • 网络解释

1. 看得见,在看见......的地方:in search of 寻找,搜找 | in sight of 看得见,在看见......的地方 | in spite of 虽然,尽管

2. 看得见,在看得见......的地方:in the secret. 知道内情,参与秘密 | 17.in sight of 看得见,在看得见......的地方 | in the sight of 在......看来,从......观点来看

3. 被见到,看得见;在望,在即:114、in short 总之,简言之 | 115、in sight of 被见到,看得见;在望,在即 | 116、in spite of 不管,不顾

4. 能看见:in the possession of 为...所有 | in sight of 能看见 | in the sight of 据...的见解

  • 反义词

  • 临近词

The hunters lost sight of their quarry in the forest.(猎人在森林里跟丢了猎物。)
Not a human creature was to be caught sight of in the paths they took.(在他们走的路上,一个人也看不见。)
The red in his eye had caught sight of Peter's medicine standing on a ledge within easy reach.(他眼睛里的红晕看见彼得的药站在伸手可及的窗台上。)
They came in sight of the school building.(他们来到看得见学校建筑物的地方。)
Why, we'll be in sight of the Northern mountains then.(晤,然后我们就会望见北方的崇山峻岭。)
In spite of that, there are still some people smoking cigarettes in sight of "NO smoking".(尽管如此,仍有一些人看着“禁止吸烟”的牌子在抽烟。)
When the cave door was unlocked, a sorrowful sight presented itself in the dim twilight of the place.(当洞口的门被打开时,昏暗的暮色中出现了一幅令人悲伤的景象。)
When he got in sight of the homestead, the land leveled out but the ground grew soggier.(当宅基地进入他的视线,地面变得平坦。但是地面湿透了。)
She recoiled in horror at the sight of an enormous spider.(看到一只巨大的蜘蛛,她吓得直退。)
He had placed himself directly in my line of sight.(当时他恰好出现在我的视线中。)
in sight of是什么意思 in sight of在线翻译 in sight of什么意思 in sight of的意思 in sight of的翻译 in sight of的解释 in sight of的发音 in sight of的同义词